Top IT
Jobs Privacy Statement
This site is hosted in the United Kingdom
by Cyberquest UK and has been registered with the UK Data Protection Registrar.
Visitors to this site have the option of registering their details in our on-line
database or applying direct to any of the agencies advertising on this site.
Registering On-line
Candidates registering their details on the Top IT Jobs database may create a personal account with username and password allowing users to edit, update and remove details on-line.
Candidates rights are acknowledged and protected under the UK Data Protection Act 1998.
You may remove your personal details or request to have them removed from the Top IT
Jobs database at any time.
You may view your personal details or request to view them at any time. This service is
currently free of charge but we reserve the right to charge an administration fee.
Where a candidate has created a personal account we guarantee not to divulge the
username and password to any third party other than a registered Client of Top IT Jobs. A registered client is deemed to be a client or individual who has created a user account in the client section of this web site..
Equally, where candidates have created a personal account it is the responsibility of
the candidate to safeguard their username and password and not to divulge it to any third
Responding To Agency Adverts
All agencies advertising on this site have agreed to adhere to our Terms and Conditions
and have signed our standard Agency Contract.
Our Terms and Conditions and the Agency Contract require the agency to be registered
with the UK Data Protection Registrar and to comply with its requirements.
Candidate details should not be sent to any third party client without the
candidates prior knowledge and consent. Any breach of this condition will result in
the agencys Agency Contract being terminated. Any breach of this requirement should
be reported to the address below.
The Eight Principles of Data Protection
The rules with which we and our partner agencies must comply is clearly set out in the
UK Data Protection Act 1998.
Anyone processing personal data must comply with the eight enforceable principles of
good practice.
They say that data must be:
- Fairly and lawfully processed
- Processed for limited purposes
- Adequate, relevant and not excessive
- Accurate
- Not kept longer than necessary
- Processed in accordance with the data subject's rights
- Secure
- Not transferred to countries without adequate protection
Personal data covers both facts and opinions about the individual. It also includes
information regarding the intentions of the data controller towards the individual,
although in some limited circumstances exemptions will apply.
With processing, the definition is far wider than before. For example, it incorporates
the concepts of 'obtaining', holding' and 'disclosing'.
A full explanation of the principles may be obtained at the web-site address below:
Contact Details
MCL Consulting
International House
223 Regent Street
London W1R 8QD
United Kingdom
Tel: 0870 740 5288
Fax: 0870 740 5289